Take a look at my life


Where does it come from? of course that’s different for everyone.
I love sentences with a great meaning. So for you i have made my top 10!
Here they are:


1. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.
2. Love is like Heaven, but it can hurt like Hell.
3. I see sparks fly whenever you smile. (Taylor Swift – Sparks Fly)
4. Your heartbeat is my favorite song
5. Dare dreaming.
6. We always want what we can’t have.
7. When life looks you in the eyes and tells you, “You can’t.”, God is holding your hand telling you, “You CAN.”
8. Remember the good, never the bad.
9. What makes you different, Makes your beautiful.
10. This one is from the twilight movie:

And so the Lion Fell in Love with the lamb……What a Stupid lamb…..What a Sick Masochistic Lion.

Thanks for reading,
Do you have some sentences you want to share?
Just put them in the comments :{)

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